Agastache: A Garden Friend for Your Tummy Troubles

Ever heard of a plant called Agastache? It's not just a pretty face in the garden, but it's also known as a friendly helper for our tummies. Let's dive into the magic of Agastache and how it can make our bellies happy:

1. Helping with Tummy Aches:
When our bellies hurt and feel all tight, Agastache comes to the rescue. It has special stuff called essential oils that help relax the tummy muscles, making the ache go away.

2. Calming Down Angry Tummies:
Sometimes, our tummies get red and angry inside, which is called inflammation. Agastache helps calm down the angry redness, making our tummies feel better.

3. Fighting off Tiny Bad Bugs:
There are tiny bugs called bacteria, some are good and some are bad. Agastache helps fight off the bad ones in our tummies, keeping our tummies happy and healthy.

4. Helping Digest Our Food:
Agastache helps our bodies break down food into smaller pieces so we can use all the good stuff in the food to run and play.

5. Stopping Queasy Feelings and Runny Tummies:
Sometimes we can feel like we want to throw up or have to run to the bathroom a lot. Agastache helps stop these yucky feelings, making us feel better.

6. Helping with a Special Tummy Problem called Gastritis:
There's a fancy word, gastritis, which means the inside of our tummy is all red and sore. Some smart people think Agastache can help with this, but they are still learning more about it.

7. Keeping Our Tummy Garden Balanced:
Our tummies have tiny good bugs that help us stay healthy. Agastache helps keep the bad bugs away, so the good bugs can do their job.

So, Agastache is not just a pretty plant, it's like a little doctor for our tummies. Whether we have it in our garden or use it when our tummies feel yucky, Agastache is an important plant to have around!


Fuentes-Granados, Roger G., Mark P. Widrlechner, and Lester A. Wilson. "An overview of Agastache research." Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants 6.1 (1998): 69-97.

Zielińska, Sylwia, and Adam Matkowski. "Phytochemistry and bioactivity of aromatic and medicinal plants from the genus Agastache (Lamiaceae)." Phytochemistry Reviews 13 (2014): 391-416.